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Unique Exhibition Opened in Kherson: Interview with the Author of Paintings

On 14 January with the assistance of Kherson Women Union there was opened a charity exhibition of the artist, drawing dreams, Svitlana Iurieva, at the Shopping and Entertainment Center “Fabrika”. You can read about her 12 unique drawings of “dreamy horoscope” and outstanding people that have inspired the author for creating her masterpieces in our interview with the artist.

Svitlana, we would like to congratulate you with the exhibition opening. What were your spirits when you have awakened today?

Svitlana Iurieva: It was an awesome morning. I was receiving congratulations with the exhibit’s opening; people were constantly sending their testimonials and sharing their impressions. What can be better? I was greatly worried for the exhibition to have visitors. And they have really come and in a good mood. It was felt.

Probably, this friendly atmosphere was created by mainly your paintings?

Svitlana: I hope so (with laughter). Tons of fun per square meter went off scale. The atmosphere was incredible. All people were smiling and joking.

Whom have you invited for the exhibition opening?

Svitlana: Together with the partners we have invited all Kherson folks. Personally I invited my friends, acquaintances and relatives.

Have you depicted real personalities or imagined characters?

Svitlana: All 12 pictures that are exhibited were executed for real people, taking into consideration the characteristic features of their zodiac signs and

their unique characters. I wanted to pass on not only the theme but also the spirits. That’s why the heroes of my paintings have become the co-creators, as they shared their mottos, spoke about the own vision of this project.

Do you call this exhibition as a project?

Svitlana: For me it is not just the exhibition, it’s more a project on which I have been working conscientiously for 2 months. Today’s list of paintings is shown the first time and the last. After that all of them will depart to different parts of the country, and some of them – abroad.

Tell us, please, about the charitable aim of the exhibition for Kherson folks to support it obligatory.


Within the framework of exhibition a sale of thematic calendars is held. It is the fifth edition of my “dreamy” calendar and it will be very useful for everyone, who buys it. The illustrations are awesome in it! The part of funds, raised from this sale, will be streamed at support of families in difficult straits. Calendars can also be purchased at mine or in the café “Kherson”, at 8 Suvorova Street. Thus, join us!

When will the results of this charitable event be known?

Svitlana: The results of this charitable event will be known at the closing of the exhibition that will take place on 24 January at the second queue of the Shopping and Entertainment Center “Fabrika”. There together with our partners we will inform how much money is raised for this period of time. And who is going to actually receive them.

In the end, please, share with our followers your further creative plans. What do you hold for us after “dreamy horoscope”?

Svitlana: Of course, I have plans. In the near future I would like to create a project dedicated to the International Women’s Day – 8 March. It will contain women characters. That’s it for now.

You can view the exhibit’s opening and first visitors’ impressions at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXD4oUhNknA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3JT0E4_sN3PBFa7NyHe3bkaTiyeg_oWvz5BMY_p24-lrfmmWExeJUsnIk


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