Спілка жінок Херсонщини

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"A woman that inspires ". Who is she?

The award “A woman that inspires” was introduced during III Spring Conference of Kherson Women Union. Do you know who received this recognition from the Union members? Let’s get acquainted with the winners!

Leokadia Gerasimenko has united all women organizations of the state into Women’s Union of Ukraine. Right now Leokadia has not just been leading Women’s Union of Ukraine. She is the Vice-President of the Ukrainian-Vietnamese Friendship Association and Peace Ambassador. For the active peace-keeping position, she has been recognized with the Order of Princess Olga of III level and the service award of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam – the Friendship Order. This Woman has so much respect, care and sympathy that she has shown to the thousands of Ukrainian women what is it like “to get reloaded” and find the place for goodness implementation in her life, and what’s more important – in her heart.

Svitlana Kandala teaches spatial orientation to blind and visually challenged children, “to see” with your feelings, touches, sense of smell. Thanks to her children can get oriented around the city, use transport means and even travel. Thanks to her Kherson Oblast Blind Association received grant and got computer class in which everything is set for people with disabilities. Right now Svitlana is teaching computer skills to blind. And any of her students can bring a book, scan it and download it to the electronic media to be able to “read” it with Braille script lettering. She has been enthusiastic in one more idea recently: she has started working on a business plan of a small knitting factory, where blind will be able work with machine tools.

Nadia Kondratiuk. This woman has been working in the sphere of orphaned children protection and children that are deprived parental care by developing the idea of Coaching since 2009. Over the years of work in the civil organization “ODNA NADIA” (One Hope) she has helped to adapt the idea of Coaching in different cities of Ukraine and abroad – Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova. At present she is the President of Civil Union “Association of Coaching for Children and Youth”, is engaged in the fulfillment of coaching programs under the patronage of Children’s Rights Commissioner for the President of Ukraine. And also helps KWU to implement the Program of Corporate Coaching.

Larysa Polska stands at the origins of oblast women unions. In 1990 she pushed forward the creation of Kherson Oblast Organization of All Ukrainian Women Union “Diia” (Action); from 2000 and till the current period she has been leading the Charity Organization “Fund of Kherson Community “Zakhyst”. Also she was leading Community Council at Kherson Oblast State Administration. She always has an active civil position, and is always there where community needs it, and most of all – women, children, sick and elderly people.

Iana Lebedeva is a legend, Master of Sports of Ukraine in track and field athletics, the silver medalist of the World Cup of 2017 in shot-put, the winner of numerous international competitions in shot-put and javelin throwing, the grant-holder of the President of Ukraine. She has time to be Mayor’s counselor, to lead the civil organization “Initiative and Defense of rights of People with Disabilities”, to be the active member of All Ukrainian Civil Organization “Velid”. Her purpose is to make Kherson available and comfortable for people with special needs and help others to understand that they deserve respect and support!

Tetiana Gladysh is a writer, journalist, embroidery craftswoman. She has a complex personality, open and has a fine appreciation of children. Right now she is actively co-operating with children’s magazine “Zernyatko” writing stories for it. She touches the red hot issue of inclusion in her journalistic works and has got the recognition for it at All Ukrainian Contest of Artistic Stories “Samovydavets”. And what is more, Tetiana has a unique vision of the beautiful. And here, in the South of Ukraine, by her own example she promotes a love to Ukrainian vyshyvanka.

Olga Gmyria is a journalist, presenter and orator. Her mellow voice is heard at major celebrations and press-conferences supporting the Social Medical Program “Kherson and Kherson Oblast Choose Health” and at public events that are held by KWU. She was a sensation with her oratory skills trainings that presented to hundreds of Kherson women hope for personal growth and showed the way to percept themselves.

Liubov Ivashenko and Olena Seredenko are active Unions members that have taken part in the fulfillment of almost all social projects. Their voluntary work is priceless with their enthusiasm and painstaking attitude.

Photo by: Natalia Nozhevnyk, Maxym Popko


Спілка жінок Херсонщини
