Спілка жінок Херсонщини

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Hooray for “Lebedinka”! The City Council Approves the Return of Swan’s Lake

Historical decisions for Kherson’s Lebedinka were taken on XXI session of the City Council. As of now, one of the most important locations of Kherson center has got its status, a holder of the books and funds for the construction documentation development. We spoke to the city Deputy Elena Mazur on the matter and not just that.

“The most important is that the fountain “Swan’s Lake” that was “on the hook” all these years, now has got its status and has the holder of the books. The Deputies have put it onto CE “Kherson City Center of Land Tenancy” of the Executive Committee of Kherson Council’s books with their decision. From now on, the enterprise, that I am at the head of, is in charge of this object. And it means that there is a person responsible for it, and there is a person to be asked questions on it. Swan’s Lake used to be a mismanaged property all these years; and mainly this was a stumbling point in many issues” said E. Mazur.

Have the Deputies given the credence to Lebedinka’s return?

“It is the desire of all of us for Swan’ Lake to be the city’s place of interest but not just a place in decline. That is why all three questions on “Lebedinka” were voted for during the session of the City Council. Apart from putting on the books, they took other two important decisions – they voted for the land under the object and gave 500,000 uah from the City’s Budget on the construction documentation. We should make the project and move further.”

Can we now speak about soon return of Swan’s Lake?

“It’s too early to speak about that. It is of high importance to prepare the construction documentation and execute papers on the land. It is important to sort out the mess in the papers. After that the reconstruction of the small bowl of the fountain should be started. And when it comes, I hope that the City Council will hold together and give funds for the reconstruction works. We will work and keep going ahead!”

Join us if the return of Swan’s Lake is your dream as well!


Team “Lebedinka Kherson 2018”;


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